Networked art in Lockdown: how can we be creative in new ways?

What if we could adjust to new creative ways of doing things, to make and experience art to keep it relevant during times of Lockdown? Use of digital technologies facilitates an art made for networks and is a way for people to have a connection through art across the globe when museums and galleries are unable to open to the public. Read my article published today in Studio International.

See also Colour Computation, an article I wrote in 2013, about artist Ernest Edmonds, featured here:

Ernest Edmonds, H Space, 2020. Distributed Augmented Reality interactive installation. Sydney, communicating with Guangzhou [Photo: Ernest Edmonds]

Remembering Gustav Metzger 1926-2017

I feel privileged to have known the ground-breaking artist Gustav Metzger

Gustav Metzger at the book launch of A Computer in the Art Room, CAS event, London 2008

who passed away a couple of weeks ago.  He was a very early member of the Computer Arts Society and the first editor of our journal PAGE from 1969.

His links with the early world of British computer arts is discussed in my article published today on the BCS



Remembering Alan Sutcliffe (1930-2014)

Alan SutcliffeI was saddened to hear of the passing of Alan Sutcliffe at the end of February; he was a great pioneer of computer arts, including music and graphics. Alan was a big source of inspiration and support to me when writing A Computer in the Art Room and I feel proud that we have this and White Heat Cold Logic to stand as a legacy to at least one aspect of his creative life. Here he is in 2008 at the launch of A Computer in the Art Room, reminiscing with Stroud Cornock, watched by Jeni Bougourd and Gustav Metzger.  See my obit for the BCS here:

Computer Arts Society trip to Bletchley Park – Monday 28 May 2012

In celebration of ALAN TURNING YEAR I am organising a special trip sponsored by the Computer Arts Society to Bletchley Park and the National Museum of Computing. You are invited to join what I’m sure will be a fascinating day in the company of like-minded arts people.

The tour (10.30am to 5.15pm approx) costs £17.00 and includes: Morning tea/coffee & biscuits on arrival. Tour of the Bletchley campus and buildings with their guide. A sandwich lunch. A chance to view Colossus and other interesting items in the National Museum of Computing on a short visit (including Ele Carpenter’s Html Patchwork). Afternoon tea, coffee & cake.

Please make your own travel arrangements to arrive by 10.15 for a 10.30 start. There is a direct train from Euston. Bletchley train station is 300 yards from the entrance to the Park  for more travel info see:

There is a maximum of 50 spaces available on this trip, so please sign up ASAP!  Contact me to register your name and contact details (email & mobile number).

This trip is being generously subsidised by the Computer Arts Society and is run as a non-profit event.

Space Synapse

A talk by artist, designer and entrepreneur Anna Hill, founder of Space Synapse Systems, is scheduled for Thursday 19th May at 6.30pm at Birkbeck, Gordon Square. Space Synapse aims to bring the experiences of Space to the Internet through gaming, virtual edutainment and environmental engineering.

All are welcome at what promises to be a fascinating presentation by this artist who has worked with NASA.

For address and map see:

Anna Hill Space Synapse Systems
Anna Hill Space Synapse Systems