
A Computer in the Art Room book

The launch of Catherine Mason’s book, A Computer in the Art Room: the origins of British computer arts 1950-80 was held at Somerset House, London on 24 June 2008. It was attended by over 80 pioneering digital artists, programmers, practitioners and their families.

CONNECTION:OPEN 2018 at Wells Maltings

Inaugural exhibition at the Handa Gallery, Wells Maltings, 26 June – 30 September 2018

Janice Sylvia Brock My Life on Canvas Book Launch

Launch of the book MY LIFE ON CANVAS, a biography of painter Janice Sylvia Brock, by Catherine Mason at Sugar Hill Club House Barbados January 2014

“Bits in Motion” Film Screening

Bits in Motion was a film screening of early British computer animation followed by a panel discussion featuring pioneering artists. 7 March 2006 at the National Film Theatre, London. Curated and hosted by Catherine Mason.